Kori Bustard Species Survival Plan 

A collaboration between zoos, field scientists, and educators.

Kori Bustard Fact Sheet                                 
                                                          Click here for a poster-style fact sheet

 Scientific Name Ardeotis kori
 Family Information Otidae
 Close Relatives Cranes
 Status CITES Appendix II 
 Life Span Unkown in the wild; Captivity - 27 years
 Size & Weight 6 - 18 kg (females about half the size of males)
 Plumage Upper plumage is buff and grey and barred with black.
Underparts may be pale buff, white or solid black
 Bill (Beak) Adapted for omnivorous diet
 Feet Three front toes which are short, broad, and well-adapted for running
 Diet Insects, small mammals, lizards, snakes, seeds and berries
 Reproduction Polygynous; Breeding tied closely to amount of rainfall
 Nest & Eggs One-two eggs are laid on the ground in a shallow scrape made by the female
 Parental Nurturing Only the female participates in raising the chicks
 Chicks Precocial; stay with their mother until the start of the next year's  breeding season
 Distribution & Habitat       Grasslands and lightly wooded savannas of southern and eastern Africa
 Threats                         Habitat loss and hunting
 Predators Eagles, Leopards, Lions, Caracal and Jackals
 Interesting Information One of the world's heaviest flying birds; males gather in lek-like formations and display for females during the breeding season;
drink water with a sucking motion rather than scooping it up
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